
Life is

Paragon unveils a new hero: Narbash

di Lorenzo Evangelista / Hunt3rxhunt3r96 P 18 ago 2016 16:56
Epic Games today unveiled the new hero of the MOBA Paragon : a support Spellcaster named ... Narbash . Is a beast that spends his days pounding on his drum to increase the speed of his companions and protect them. You can play with Narbash from Tuesday, 23 August, the date of the next update

Narbash is a charmer (physical harm, order, growth) specializing in crowd control and strengthening of his squad when you toss in Brawl! His ability to Thunk the blocks a single target, stunning them. His skill Marcia gives him an aura speed of movement that can be devastating if combined with the aura of health regeneration from his skill song of my people.

It's amazing the DIN that Narbash is able to create due to its ultimate Crash Bang Boom, which not only slows enemies in an area of effect, but also performs a rejected.

As always, the heroes of Paragon are free; Therefore, you can unleash the brawl with Narbash already since Tuesday. If you can't wait to get into the world of Paragon, what are you waiting for? Paragon is available in open beta, you can download it and start playing today.

To follow a trailer that shows it in action: enjoy!

MP Video - Paragon