
Life is

First video of the gameplay of Wattam, pictures

di Lorenzo Evangelista / Hunt3rxhunt3r96 P 30 mag 2015 13:08
After months of silence from the announcement , Sony Computer Entertainment has released today a set of images and the first video showing the gameplay of Wattam , interesting action game that will be released in digital version on PlayStation 4 in 2016. As we can see from the video at the bottom of the news, we will be able to use several common animated objects: trees, radio, mushrooms, cups, clouds and much more; every single element of the game world has a name and come to life when the main character of the game, the Mayor, a cute little green cube that can blow on his head a bomb that creates Fireworks, interacts with them.

To follow the video and pictures: good vision!

MP Video - Wattam