
Life is

Final Fantasy XV: the Moogles are lucky objects

di Daniele Romolo / danieler88 P 5 ott 2016 11:10
Yesterday, Square Enix had opened a 24-hour countdown on the official Japanese site of Final Fantasy XV. Today we find that the countdown was related to the revelation of how the Moogles will appear in the game: the cute little creatures become lucky objects, indeed bringing with us puppets and other similar objects we could avert some of the Moogle problems where we during our adventure.

On the occasion of this revelation, Square Enix has also launched a campaign for a Moogle Collection that will unlock a "reward Moogle" everytime twitter accounts of Final Fantasy XV Japanese and English will reach a certain number of followers.  The Grand Prize will be a video of Moogles in action. Please note that Final Fantasy XV will arrive on the PS4 Xbox One.