
Life is

Rumor: the creators of Alien Isolation are hard at work on a new Alien

di Giuseppe Genga / Neural P 25 apr 2017 19:05
If you loved the claustrophobic experience of Alien: Isolation , there might be good news coming for you: the British magazine OPM reported in the latest issue a rumor that, after you have completed the development of Halo Wars 2 for Microsoft, study English Creative Assembly would set to work on a new game dedicated to the Alien franchise.

The study is the very same that created at the time Alien: Isolation , then chances are that, if confirmed the development of a new game in the series, the gameplay will follow the line traced from the first title. The game did not satisfy too SAW regarding business results, but saw the arrival this year of Alien: Covenant , the Publisher would like to try your luck with a new game dedicated to Ridley Scott's creatures.

If this is true we'll know in the next few months, probably around at E3. Stay tuned!