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Final Fantasy XV: the Regalia Type-D and the DLC Episode Prompto arrive in late June

di Lorenzo Evangelista / Hunt3rxhunt3r96 P 10 giu 2017 16:39
During the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Final Fantasy, held today in Yokohama (Japan), Game Design Section Manager Kenichi Shida has done some interesting announcement about the next additional content of Final Fantasy XV . First of all, the long-awaited DLC Episode animated portraits will be available by the end of the month, and will boast even new game modes and a new song composed by Naoshi Mizuta, author of the soundtrack for Final Fantasy XI.

More details about the downloadable package dedicated to Prompto Argentum will be released over the next week, during E3.

Besides Kenichi Shida revealed the DLC Episode Prompto will debut along with a free update that will introduce the Regalia Type-D, new version of Regalia that will allow the player and also drive off the roads and paths, and a hat " Cup Noodle Styl" to Noctis.

We leave you with two images that show us the Regalia Type-D and the funny hat for Noctis: enjoy!