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For Honor: Ubisoft Announces and shows new products planned for the third season of content

di Giuseppe Genga / Neural P 3 ago 2017 21:44
Ubisoft today announced that from August 15 will come in For Honor the third season of the game content entitled "Grudge & Glory", which will bring with it new warriors, maps, gear, matches and other news.

Updates and maps will be freely available to all since 15 August, while new heroes will be available free of charge to holders of Season Pass from the same day. Those who haven't bought the Season Pass can unlock them right into the game from 22 August to 15,000 pieces of steel. The start of the third season will be the first step in developing For Honor, which includes a new season in November and the introduction of dedicated servers.

These are the new heroes:

  • Highlander (Viking hybrid) – The Highlander are heroes patients able to use two different forms of combat. The defensive form allows him to fight back and respond with various shots, while the offensive form allows him to unleash deadly attacks at the expense of their ability to block. Thanks to the longest sword and heavy throughout the game, the Highlander have a lethal combination of strength and range.
  • Gladiator (Knight assassin) – holding a Trident and a shield, the Gladiators have made the killing a real sport, but now they've decided to bring their own ruthless skill even in war. Equipped with a small armor, they can hit with a punch opponents to remove them and finish them off with a series of attacks and moves stun guns. Their major indicator of resistance and lower recovery time make them extremely agile and dangerous opponents.

We will also add two new battlegrounds, the Sentinel and Viking Village, which include environmental dangers only and will force players to always take care to the surrounding scenery. Also the third season will introduce new rare legendary equipment and will lead to maximum 40 reputation of all heroes, giving players more customization options.

The third season will introduce the competitive game on all platforms with the introduction of 1v1 duel tournaments. Compete in tournaments will allow players to get higher ranks, which will be eliminated in each season, in addition to conquer their exclusive rewards. Competitive experience will continue to grow during the year with the introduction of how classified 4v4. In conjunction with the release of the third season and to balance the game further in preparation for the competitive experience, 1.1 update will bring several changes to the gameplay. During the third season, will be further tested other changes to gameplay to balance better offensive and defensive play styles.

We leave you now to a trailer showing all these new: enjoy!

MP Video - For Honor