
Life is

Red Dead Redemption 2: Rockstar tells us about the fauna of the game

di Giuseppe Genga / Neural P 25 set 2018 12:45
Rockstar updates us today with a host of new information and images about Red Dead Redemption 2 , this time dedicated to wildlife: wildlife, hunting and fishing, horses. We thus discover that the moors of the title host ben 200 different animal species , each reproduced accurately not only in appearance but also in behavior and reaction to environmental stimuli.

Also, we learn more about hunting and fishing and unique bond that we establish with our horse. You find everything here, accompanied by a set of wonderful images: happy reading and enjoy!


The various habitats and climates of Red Dead Redemption 2 host approximately 200 species of animals, birds and fish, each of which behaves and reacts to its surroundings in a unique way.

Deer, bison and pronghorn crossing the plains in large herds, scavengers can smell quickly carrion, the Sockeye swim upstream, wolves hunt in packs and surround their prey, the geese flying in formation, possums posing dead rodents scurrying in hollow trees, grizzly bears are pretending the charge when they feel threatened and birds of prey hover by harnessing the currents. Are all part of a complex ecosystem and must struggle constantly to defend their position in the food chain. The wild, dangerous and generous for men than for animals, is the place where every predator can quickly become a prey.


Hunting and fishing

Hunting and fishing are essential skills to survive in nature: they provide food, materials and a source of income. The many rivers, lakes and streams are home to a wide variety of fish; Select the right natural or artificial bait is therefore essential to ensure a fruitful day loot. Be on the trail of an animal requires concentration and patience; in order not to frighten the prey you have to move with caution and consider wind direction. Even the choice of weapon and the target of the shots are very important and affect the quality of meat and skins, a factor exploited by retailers to set the price offered for products. Make sure you choose the right caliber of rifle to the size of the animal you're dealing with, or uses the bow for a kill was clean.

After a successful hunt, you can decide if you want to skin and butcher the animal in place or if you carry it with you in one piece. Just try not to lose too much time or scavengers will come to investigate. Skins, carcasses, meat and body parts can be loaded on the horse and sold to butchers in town, reported to camp and thrown into the pot of stew, or used to create clothing and objects. Nature provides everything you need, there's no reason to resign himself to the grip of cold or hunger.

Hunt wildlife provides valuable natural resources such as meat, skins and other useful materials. You can also sell the meat and animal parts to butchers or to convenience stores, give them to your camp, or use them in the kitchen or in the handmade creations. If you want to turn them into more exotic goods, portal by a trapper.

You can run the game in a variety of habitats. If your first hit is not fatal, your prey will escape. Follow the tracks as the blood to find and calculate that you may have to resort to a coup de grace to end his suffering.

You can run the game in a variety of habitats. If your first hit is not fatal, your prey will escape. Follow the tracks as the blood to find and calculate that you may have to resort to a coup de grace to end his suffering.

As for hunting, fishing and meat provides useful materials. Various species of fish are found in different habitats and each of them reacts to different varieties of bait.



There are 19 breeds of horses in Red Dead Redemption 2, from appaloosas to Arabs, passing through the shire and the Mustangs, each of which must be managed differently according to their defined characteristics. Horses can be captured and tamed the wild, purchased in the stables or acquired in ways far more devious.

Your horse is a faithful companion that you can trust as one of the members of your band, so it is important that you take care. Keeping it a curry-comb and well-fed will be more resilient, paying and manoeuvrable as well as becoming less nervous as the bond between you will be consolidated. With 59 different styles of mantle and a wide range of customizable trappings, including saddles, knobs, Stirrups and spurs, you can have a horse that is truly yours, establishing a unique personal relationship with him while exploring the world together.

You can find many Hungarians wild habitat, including the half-blood Heartlands. Capturing and Taming the wild horses can be a particularly economical solution to acquire new mounts.

Buy, sell and keep the horses in the stable, or buy supplies to keep them well fed, of the tonics to provide them temporary boosts to health and Strength and equipment as Stirrups and saddles to upgrade them. Or simply gives more style to their mane, tail or anything else.

The bond with your horse represents trust and understanding. As your bond intensifies and through activities such as grooming and feeding, the attributes of your horse as health and Speed increases. You'll unlock even several advantages and rewards always inherent in the bond.

Deposit weapons, clothes, masks and hats in the saddle your horse. You can also store fresh carcasses; birds and smaller game can be attached to the saddle, while the larger animals are loaded on the back of the horse.

We leave you to images: enjoy!