
Life is

Obsidian reveals the first details on The Outer Worlds

di Fabrizia Cossu / Bibi P 9 dic 2018 15:31
One of the ads that have occurred over the course of The Game Awards which aroused interest and curiosity in gamers was to The Outer Worlds, new first person role playing game and science fiction setting of Obsidian Entertainment , which however was released a trailer and some pictures that showed only a brief overview of the title.

After a few days the announcement arrive the first details about the game, some of which relate to the absence of microtransactions. in an interview with the site Gamestar, Timothy Cain , creator of Fallout and current developer of Obsidian , has required to state that The Outer Worlds won't have the microtransactions.

In an era dominated by increasingly frequent gaming microtransactions, this is information that will certainly please the players and that could encourage even more buying the game.

In addition to this statement of Cain , new details about The Outer Worlds , described that way in the Steam game page:

In The Outer Worlds you wake up from hibernation on a ship of settlers who was lost during the transfer to Halcyon, the farthest colony of the Earth to the ends of the Galaxy, to find yourself embroiled in a complicated conspiracy that threatens to destroy it. As you explore the more remote regions of space and dating different factions, each vying for power, you can develop your character and steer like a story that totally depends on your decisions. In the equation that companies have planned for the colony, you are the unexpected variable.

These are the main features of the title:

  • An RPG from dynamic plot: in the best tradition of Obsidian , your approach to The Outer Worlds is entirely up to you. Your choices not only affect the main storyline but also the characteristics of your character, the stories of your fellow travellers and the grand finale.
  • Your flaws you'll make it big: one of the innovations introduced by The Outer Worlds is the mechanism of defects. An interesting hero is also defined by flaws that distinguish it. During the course of The Outer Worlds the system will take into account the things you don't succeed particularly well. The Raptidonti continue to attack you? Accept the default Raptifobia you will penalize when you face those fearsome creatures, but will allow you to acquire immediately a extra positive trait. This optional system allows you to define more precisely your character as you explore Halcyon.
  • Lead your companions: during your wanderings in more remote colony you'll encounter a variety of characters who want to join your crew. Equipped with unique abilities, these fellows all have their own personal mission, motives and ideals. It's up to you to help them achieve their goals or use them for your purposes.
  • Browse the colony of corporations: Halcyon is a colony on the edge of the Galaxy that is owned and operated by a group of companies. The companies control everything ... except the alien monsters that are left behind when the terraforming of planets did not go exactly as planned. Find your ship, assemble a crew and explore the settlements, space stations and other attractive locations of Halcyon .