
Life is

V. 29 update is now available from Paragon

di Lorenzo Evangelista / Hunt3rxhunt3r96 P 25 lug 2016 17:43
In response to negative comments and disappointments about changing the balance of the enchanters in release v. 28, Epic Games has released today the new update v. 29 of Paragon , which introduces several improvements, among other things, its basic balance between classes and on system setup. To follow the details of the new update followed by a video that shows us all the news: happy reading and enjoy!

Snake charmers (and Gideon)

Our goal is that the snake charmers are effective because of their abilities rather than with the basic attack, are more capable of the other classes to eliminate waves, dominate at half-time and lose ground (compared with shooters/handicapped) late in the game. Team fights, often we saw spellbinders chasing enemy players and make the killing with the basic attack. Is the exact opposite of the objectives of the class. So we have reduced the scale of the damage of the attack according to the power cards (from 0.4 to 0.7) for the entire class. This had the desired effect in the clashes, forcing the enchanters to make the killings with the skills from their Mana, but had an adverse effect on the ability of snake charmers give the last shot to minions in the early stages of the match.

So we increased the damage per level of basic attack from 1 to 3 in the update v. 29. This means that the charmers will inflict 28 (+2 x 14) more damage at Max level hero. For spellcasters will be easier to take the last shot to minions in the early stages of the match, but not dominate team fights with the attack base.

Gideon, however, was out of the ranks than any other spell casters. Since we're trying to field a roster of Heroes well-fed to eliminate bars in mirror, we consider the games not to evaluate if you need to change the levels of the heroes. If a game there was only one Gideon, Gideon's team won about 60 percent of the time. For us this was outside the bounds of acceptable effect: there was no competitive reason to choose other spell casters.

So we made a change in v. 28 (removal of the shield from the ultimate). In addition, at the system level, we decided that immunity to control crowds during the ultimate is not a good way to manage the game: limits the interaction between heroes if applied to the hero without using a card or some other mechanism. So we removed from the ultimate of Gideon and all the future heroes. Recently, Gideon record a winning percentage of 49.5 per cent in non-mirrored.

Having said that, we are also ending an intervention that will improve opportunities for players with Gideon to make an impact on the battlefield.

Shooters (and TwinBlast)

The shooters were partly held in check by enchanters who had a basic attack more powerful. Now that the snake charmers are no longer at the height of the shooters in relation to basic attack, they are dominating so unbalanced.

To try to reduce the excessive power of the shooters late in the match, we have decreased the initial health and by level (from 400 to 380 and from 100 to 85, respectively) in v. 29. This means they will be more vulnerable to ganking, especially at the beginning of a game, no objects that help your health. We also changed the stats of the cards to limit the effectiveness of build focus only on the harm; We changed both the damage (from 7.5 to 6.5) and attack speed (from 6.5 to 5.5). This indirectly is a general enhancement of the enchanters (shooters and fighters will have less effectiveness in terms of damage and waves), and Muriel specifically will have a greater impact due to its shield skill.

Finally, we have seen a tendency to equip items with lifesteal rather than health or health regeneration. We will reduce considerably the amount of 4% lifesteal per point (by 2.5%), thereby promoting other survival statistics-health, energy and physical health per second, armor/shield.

TwinBlast, like Gideon for spellcasters, is the only shooter that worthwhile. Mirror not scrimmages, his winning percentage is 63.5%. We believe it is due to its high mobility and attack speed compared to other shooters. To realign it, we are changing its mobility, greatly reducing the distance of Dodge and by applying a reduction in damage inflicted to his Nitro (bonus attack speed). We may have to revise his kit in the future.

Fighters ... Oh yes, and Rampage

Even the fighters, as the shooters, will suffer the effect of changing the offensive statistics, but must be kept under control than them because they don't change the scaling factor cards. The fighters should be tough opponents in the early stages of the match and then take second place compared to sorcerers and shooters in mid game and late in the game, respectively.

Rampage ... or Rampagé as they call when you fit ultimate ... is a little bit strong, n'est-ce pas? Yes, at least judging by the 60% win rate. In v. 29, its ultimate decreased both in duration (12 to 15) and health regeneration (from 100/50/125/200/250 to 175). Will still be a beast and playing it will give the same heroic satisfaction, but it will be much more manageable in the assaults at towers mid game onwards.

Evil deeds
With the growth of the population of the community, and knowing the arrival of PlayStation ® Plus, we are dedicated to improving the tools to penalize players who ruin the experience to others. One of the worst are the stands AFKer, players who remain inactive, that ruin the game for nine more.

Since the PlayStation Plus initiative we assigned:

  • 26,000 ban a day
  • 1,000 three-day ban

The penalties are assigned gradually so that the players they have the opportunity to learn the rules and know what to expect. For us to enhance the gaming experience for our most dedicated players is a firm commitment.

Invalid batches

We understand the frustration of being a player inactive since the beginning of the match and having to play 30 minutes in 5 to 4 against. To relieve a little impact, we are working on a solution "Game" that will allow players to go out and repeat the matchmaking without penalty. We plan to introduce this feature already in v. 31.

Duration of matches

The duration of the games have improved much in v. 28, after changes to the economy and balancing in the match. We haven't even gotten to our goal but we very much neighbors: matches fell by 5-7 minutes. The 50 percentile of matches finish in 36 minutes, 75° 90° by 45, and by 53. As we mentioned above, we are far from the target, but it is already an improvement over the frequent matches of an hour and a half of v. 27. We will continue to change the game in many ways, keeping an eye on the duration of the games and trying to balance a shorter duration with the desire for strategic opportunities and chances to comeback.

What does the future hold?
We always have a luno list of improvements and not enough resources to implement them all. Now that we've fixed a number of things to prepare for the open beta we can move on to some of the most burdensome commitments that await us. And one of these is the ...

Creating cards! Design teams and have just started working on crafting system. For now we don't have a lot to say, but we hope you want to know who is coming. Is a complex task and it takes time (given that we still have to give support to the game live!) and in the coming weeks we will have more details for you.

In the coming weeks we'll delve into this and other topics, including:

  • Matchmaking
  • Banners
  • Competitive play
MP Video - Paragon