
Life is

Unveiled a new hero of Paragon: Ten. Belica

di Lorenzo Evangelista / Hunt3rxhunt3r96 P 8 set 2016 23:03
Epic Games announced today a new hero of Paragon : a charmer in bursts called Ten. Belica . You can play with Ten. Belica since Tuesday 13 September, date of the next update.

Ten. Belica is a charmer in bursts (energy damage; Order, intellect) specializes in isolating the enemy heroes and control of Mana. With the vacuum Bomb burst damage skills to area after a short wait and recover Mana for each enemy hit. Seismic assault is a linear attack to mira that deals damage and knocks enemies back upwards. Is able to control large areas thanks to Drone of empty, which drains Mana over time to all enemy heroes in the area of effect and does them damage when using a skill. The ultimate of Belica, neural Destructor rages on enemies ran out of Mana sparking an explosion that deals damage based on Mana missing and puts an end to the games!

As always, the heroes of Paragon are free; Therefore, you can unleash the brawl with Ten. Belica already since Tuesday. If you can't wait to get into the world of Paragon, what are you waiting for? Paragon is available in open beta, you can download it and start playing today.

We leave you the video presentation, complete with Italian subtitles: see you on the battlefield!

MP Video - Paragon