
Life is

Create, share and destroy galaxies with Space from December 6 to PS4 Overlords

di Lorenzo Evangelista / Hunt3rxhunt3r96 P 29 nov 2016 19:43
Excalibur Games announced today that Space Overlords will be available on PS4 and PS Vita on 6 December. This is a game where you have to create your own galaxy and populate it to various planets. You can choose the base of planets between forests, deserts and synthetic materials from science fiction, then fill them with buildings, civilization, cities and much more.

Of course, after creating your Galaxy, you can share it with the community of Space Overlords and allow everyone to download it and play it.

Although the Galaxy is already a game creation system itself Space Overlords offers much, much more!

The gameplay is very important in Space Overlords , but so is the narrative. The developers have stated that there is a " story of revenge of epic proportions, involving more galaxies ".

There are several space, all with very powerful abilities sovereigns. Over the course of your epic journey you will fight on worlds created meticulously. Each planet is a level to 360° and provides a unique perspective from which to fight. Your enormous spatial ruler can wipe out entire civilizations with a simple gesture.

Finally Space Overlords supports Cross-Buy! Buying the game for PS4 or Vita, you will automatically receive the other version at no additional cost.

To get an idea of the game with which you will be dealing there, we recommend you consult the following movie: enjoy!

MP Video - Space Overlords