
Life is

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is free all week

di Riccardo Brilli / Wabloo P 10 apr 2017 17:33
Through an announcement released on the official website of The Elder Scrolls Online , Bethesda announced that, starting from April 11, tomorrow's Italian 16:00 The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited will be available for free download at the PlayStation Store , for all owners of PlayStation Xbox One 4 . You can play the title until Tuesday 18 April at 16:00.

Ever since the announcement we learn that when you create your account, you will be given 500 crowns to spend at the store; In addition, all progress has accrued, characters created and crowns and items purchased will be preserved in case you decide to buy the title.

Throughout the event, moreover, The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited , The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition and crowns packages (in-game currency) will be sold on the Store of and Xbox One game at a discount store.

The trial version does not include the game's DLC released so far, but only the title basis.

What can I say, a very good occasion to try the title, in case you are not owners; happy downloading!