
Life is

Sony postpones Days Gone to 2019

di Hunting_News P 9 mar 2018 18:53
Sony announced today that the highly anticipated action game zombesco Days Gone , planned so far for the current year, has been postponed to 2019 . The reasons for the delay are not for now been revealed, but it is easy to imagine that it is a business choice.

During the year will in fact God of War , Detroit and the new Spider-Man video game, so it is reasonable to think that with this decision, Sony has chosen to dedicate more time to the development of the title of Sony Bend, at the same time removing an extremely dense autumn of outputs.

That being said, it is not possible that during the E3 in June the Japanese company show a new movie Days Gone ; There remains therefore that wait a few more months to find out whether our predictions will prove true or not!