
Life is

The shooter battle royale F2P H1Z1 arrives on PS4 next month

di Giuseppe Genga / Neural P 25 apr 2018 08:59
Daybreak Game Company announced that, after a period spent on PC, their free-to-play shooter battle royale H1Z1 finally arrives on PS4 on 22 October with an Open Beta which will be preceded by a Closed Beta where you can subscribe via this page .

For a description of the game we leave you with the words of producer Terrence Yee, followed by version announce trailer PS4: happy reading and enjoy!

Hello! Are H1Z1, and producer Terrence Yee, I am happy to share with you a great news: H1Z1 will be published as free-to-play game for PlayStation next month!

This is the final battle royale style game for fans of the action shooter on consoles. Since battle royale style games rely on Adrenaline that players feel when they stayed in a few still alive, we staked everything on this kind of gaming experience for players to feel involved way down in action.

Simply put ... This means more weapons, more vehicles, more guns, a simpler interface, familiar commands for players on consoles and games faster: in short, the very essence of battle royale style games.

We have also added an internal upgrade system to every match that will force players to take strategic decisions of a certain level if they want to aim for victory.

Players must rely on air supply, abundant and frequently coming to access weapons and equipment first class. Among them are new guns: the KH43, the Marauder, the MK46, combat shotgun, the CNQ-09 Recon rifle.

The gas, which is generated dynamically depending on the number of survivors, you move more quickly to make more adrenaline the pace of the game and ensure that consignments do not exceed 15 minutes in total.

Now that the fashion of playground-style battle royale has taken over, is a source of pride to say that we have been part of this genre since its inception! We look forward to reading your comments on our experience in true battle royale that live on PS4.

If you want to toss into the fray before everyone else and help us to test H1Z1 on PS4, sign up for the Closed Beta .

We hope to meet you all again on May 22, when the Open Beta phase will officially begin

MP Video - H1Z1