
Life is

Overwatch will be playable for free next weekend

di Fabrizia Cossu / Bibi P 18 ago 2018 22:52
If you haven't had the opportunity to try the popular FPS Overwatch, Blizzard offers a new opportunity to do so. In the coming week in fact Overwatch will be playable for free by all users PlayStation PlayStation 4, even without a subscription Plus, from Thursday 23 August at 20:00 and until Monday 28 August at 08:59.

During the Free Weekend will have the 28 heroes of Overwatch including brand new Wrecking Ball, the 18 maps and all game modes including Quick match , custom match and Arcade . You can also progress to level and get the chests of the summer games, unlocking different customization options for the heroes. Finally, if you decide to buy Overwatch after the free trial, you can keep all the progress you have acquired during the weekend.