
Life is

Life is Strange 2: detected the release dates of all the remaining episodes

di Giuseppe Genga / Neural P 21 mar 2019 19:33
Square Enix and Dontnod Entertaiment today revealed the release dates of all three remaining episodes of Life Is Strange 2, which will complement the 5-episode plan of the Opera. The third episode, titled Wastelands, will arrive on May 9 and then be followed by the fourth episode on August 22 and the fifth and final episode on December 3. Sean and Daniel will keep us company until the end of the year.

InEpisode 3, wastelands, Sean and Daniel Diaz continue On their journey to Mexico and arrive to the Sequoias forests of California. Here the brothers join a community of vagabonds who live on the margins of society. This will lead them to become new friends, to overcome new challenges and also to discover new experiences and other things about themselves. All These novelties will cause friction between the brothers and raise doubts about their relationship. Will they be able to remain united or is this the end of their journey together? Appointment May 9th!